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浏览90次 时间:2010年9月07日 15:24
Background: This study aimed to determine the competencies of nurses in the care of terminally ill cancer patients in the palliative care unit: Specifically, it was sought answers to the following questions:论文网D eG|#@f
What is the profile of the nurses in the Palliative Care Unit in terms of:
!rY$f4m%K8x5o0 1.1 Age  1.2 Gender  1.3 Education  1.4 Civil Status论文网 ^0aOl%U-N:C3E]
 1.5 Work experience in Palliative Care Unit
@&SBZQt^2U8b)\J0What is the level of competency of nurses working in the Palliative Care Unit?论文网 P0s5Wt%IZ+^8`
How do patients perceive the care given by the staff nurses at the Palliative Care Unit?
O-{_HZ)H~:C0Is there a significant difference in the level of end-of-life care competencies of nurses when grouped according to profile variables?
^2E}NT)Z{0Is there a significant relationship between level of competencies of nurses and patient perception of the care given by staff nurses?论文网'VI,g"LcWt0?$?
What framework can be developed for an end-of-life care program based on the findings of the study?论文网)r8YT0k_!J
Methods: Non-probability sampling was used in this study. 33 staff nurses working in the Palliative Care Unit and 33 patients from the morning shift in PCU were included in this survey. Two questionnaires were used as the main instruments to gather data and information in this study.论文网 |Y k |1c8]
To test for the significant differences in the level of competency of staff nurses when they are grouped according the profile variables, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the t-test were used. To test the relationship between the staff nurses level of competencies and patients perception of end-of-life care, t-test was applied.
0S)G;fc A Z01. Question 1: What is the profile of the nurses in the Palliative Care Unit in terms of: Age, Gender, Educational Attainment, Civil Status, Work experience in Palliative Care Unit?论文网Jd6o2RFQvh
Tables 1 to 5 illustrate the demographic profile of the staff nurses in terms of age, gender, educational attainment and work experience in the Palliative Care Unit.论文网5@ P;P7_Bz
Table 1 represents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to age. 论文网R,D,q&a^9?`4c\
Table 2 represents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to gender.论文网*xI:{.d$A{9M.l(v
Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to Civil Status. .
8W'j s%X9I0Table 4 shows the distribution of staff nurse respondents when grouped according to educational attainment.
'mm.Ov{ h#P9VVi0Table 5 The Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Nurse Respondents According to years of work experience in PCU.
8F,U1z Sm?he5];S0Table 6 represents that out of the 33patients included in the age category group of 65-74 years old.
'LVU9W ]$I'X0Table 7represents the frequency and percentage distribution of the patient-respondents according to gender.
mIo9gX)Z {5z0Table 8presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents according to Civil Status.
hU(a4uU\r8H0Table 9presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the patient-respondent according to educational attainment.
-u+X zp0R!p Z0Q2. What is the level of competencies of nurses working in the Palliative Care Unit?
+Qlv7i9O!L4x0 In determining the level of competencies of nurses in PCU, the respondents were asked to measure the extent by which the competencies were performed by them through a Likert-type questionnaire.论文网Fa-dX"c;z
Table 10 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of communication skills according to age                   论文网h5{aCY/R
Table 11 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of communication skills according to educational attainment    论文网1m;H'e?9? ]1F e
Table 12 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of communication skills according to civil status    
#@^ F1fu|w.J:`,?us0Table 13 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of communication skills according to years in PCU   论文网)f#N*ohe.H:UI)g-y
Table 14 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of pain management according to age   
l]n,`d,c/H| Q0Table 15 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of pain management according to educational attainment          论文网 e s'[ Hz)}0Z L/^
Table 16 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of pain management according to civil status          论文网fx.i%Q ~'p%~:[
Table 17 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of pain management according to years in PCU    
2lN8BN1Su'TH)C0Table 18 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of care of dying patients according to age 论文网ps)B H1PD
Table 19 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of care of dying patients according to educational attainment    论文网qc\3CmG_
Table 20 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of care of dying patients according to civil status论文网4k\@a*J:t9L M
Table 21 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of care of dying patients according to years in PCU论文网6L4Y.Ln.t
Table 22 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of support family according to age
9]$@+iB0Y0Table 23 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of support family according to educational attainment 
S)I!J D#vb0O6J i0Table 24 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of support family according to civil status 
"J&k~J)J(?;J(K0Table 25 Level of competencies of nurses in terms of support family according to years in PCU            
#m-c%K.I+Xu#v c0Table 26  Summary  From Table 26. The total mean score for all the indicators of competencies is 3.82. It is interpreted that the competencies of staff nurses in Palliative Care Unit are exhibited to the Moderate extent. This is show that the staff nurses are good in competencies when they provide nursing in End-of-life.
Q f2bC{0Q3. How do patients perceived the care given by the staff nurses at the Palliative Care Unit?
T0|3QgB#^ }B#w5z0      Table 27 Patients’ perception of care given by the staff nurse at Palliative Care Unit. The total mean score for all the indicators of patients’ perception is 3.48. It is interpreted that the Patients’ perception of care given by the staff nurse at Palliative Care Unit are exhibited to the Moderate extent.
:Euf}vp om+P0Q4. Is there a significant difference in the level of competencies of nurses when grouped according to profile variables?
j-C(\}2I0};X kU0Table 29 Level of competencies of nurses according to age
%I.W u.g hUp)b X EL0Table 30 Level of competencies of nurses according to educational attainment            论文网(H+a$[ vSgYL
Table 31 Level of competencies of nurses according to Civil status论文网m wQ;T"W
Table 32 Level of competencies of nurses according to Work experience
a5FJ4g e7F8Lt0There is a significant difference in the level of competencies of nurses when grouped according to profile variables.论文网|1N4SM I nXx)g
Q5.  Is there a relationship between level of competencies of nurses and patient perception of the care given by staff nurses?论文网2L2Z!E9c1s)k
From Table 33, Pearson correlation table shown p=.445, there is no relationship between level of competencies of nurses and patient perception of the care given by staff nurses.
7| q!Xx{ n0Q6. What framework can be developed for an end-of-life care program based on the findings of the study?
)w^ NW"T-Y0 From this study, there are forth the scope and key elements of thought processes involved in providing palliative care. Specifically, the palliative care skills includes: 1) Communication skills; 2) Pain management; 3) Care of the dying patient, for example, physical care, psychological care and Spiritual care; and 4) Support to the family.
CRUt(m.~{ \0Summary of findings
o'k'I5D^}n6^lG0Majority of the staff nurse respondents are middle adults while majored of the patient respondents belong to old age and most of them are male.
B(d)l(^7F-CDf-g0Majority from both groups of respondents are married.
+n4Yk4{"Q%]7^5`s0In terms of educational attainment majority of staff nurses (14, 42.4%) finished Junior college which among the patient respondents majority (18, 41.9%) just finished elementary.
rYw-RRfS J0Majority of the staff nurses (14, 42.4%) have been working in the Palliative Care Unit from one (1) to three (3) years.
agu#r)v6~{ Kw0The level of competency of staff nurse is no significant difference.论文网\;b&|d-|7~'y*o
There is no significant difference in the level of competency of staff nurses when they are grouped according to profile variables.论文网8ft3I T${f3e,c{
There is no significant different relationship between the level of competency by the staff nurses and the patients’ perception on the care given them by the staff nurses.
@V y*y'l(]7mVU~0Conclusions论文网6M._6kg/S3A U#h ~
Based on the gathered data, the researcher was able to come up with the following conclusions:
` ^0Q_ jwJ"ZZ0The staff nurses have the necessary competencies to care for terminally ill cancer patients in Palliative Care Units.论文网6_ LWf5S$[7G
The staff nurses’ levels of competency are not affected by profile variables.论文网n%RHPu5s!M
In patients perception on the care they received from the staff nurses depend on the level of competency of the staff nurses.论文网 X?-j$t\6~v6k!l
Key words: the competencies of nurse, End-of-life, quality nursing, palliative care.
[;Wf,j Y-ER6W0References
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i6f+q4ZB vG02. Stuart Todd. (2002). Death Does Not Become Us: The Absence of Death and Dying In Intellectual Disability Research Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 38 (1/2), 225.论文网0M!@"\s:jkT
3. Patrick DL, Engelberg RA, Curtis JR. Evaluating the quality of dying and death.J Pain Symptom Manage 2001; 22(3): 717–726.
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